Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hot Air Balloon Awesomeness

This is the Video my sister and I made from our Awesome Adventure.
I hope you enjoy it

Hot Air Balloon Ride

My sister Erin, a friend of hers, Whitney and I went on a Hot air balloon ride on Sunday. It was a sunrise ride over Franklin and was one of the most fun things I've done in a while. Here are some pictures and hopefully a video to follow.

Me, Erin, Whitney 

2500 Feet up

Setting up

                                                              My sister Erin and I

Friday, October 21, 2011

Expect The Unexpected

How did this name come to be? It's basically my life, "Expect The Unexpected." Every time I plan something MY way, on MY time table, in MY life, God shows me something HE has in store for me. It always turns out to be completely different from MY way. This has kinda become a joke with one of my friends and I because even with small things in life, like dinner reservations or what time were suppose to meet somewhere, things go different then she or I planned. The restaurant doesn't have our name on the list, or 6:30 dinner turns out to be dinner by yourself  because, the others phone died and  had to work late  so we had no way of calling each other to make sure the other wasn't died. Yeah I'm only 17 but one thing I did learn Early on... Expect The Unexpected in life. I mean Hey Life didn't come with an instruction manual!