Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Eliana Wheeler is a Sweet, adorable little 4 year old girl from Guatemala. Her Dad, Chris use to be my youth pastor and her mom, Lindsey, is one of the Prettiest women i know. To give you the short story Eliana has a hard time going to sleep, she doesn't get sleepy till around.... 2am. Chris and Lindsey have tried everything possible to get her to go to bed earlier but nothing seems to work, so every night the Wheeler family goes to bed around 2am. As you can expect Lindsey and Chris are very, very, very tiered but each day they get up to serve the Lord and continue to love Eliana. My Best friend Allison McLeod and I decided to give them the night off so they could go on a "mini vacation" to celebrate their 8th Wedding anniversary. Allison and I got to experience what they go through every night with Eliana, and realize how little sleep they get. :) 

The video Below is of the "all girls sleepover!!" we had. - I, (and i hope you will to) continue to Pray for the Wheeler family, and that God will continue to give them strength and that whatever is keeping Eliana awake at night will leave her so their family will actually sleep like normal people:) 

Wheeler family, I love you so much and i can't thank you enough for all that you've done in my life. i hope you enjoy the video as much as we enjoyed sleeping over with your little girl.