Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Giving My Bible Away

Stepping out side of your comfort zone is a little scary.. actually really scary, but the crazy thing is… thats when God uses us most; or so i've learned. 

A few days ago, I did something i've never done before.. gave my favorite Bible away. The story started about 3 weeks ago. I was at work, i had no customers so i decided to pull out the Nehemiah Bible study I was doing with some girls from church. After a little bit of time I had a customer come up to order, she ask me what i was studying and I told her the book of Nehemiah. She ask me what it was about so I tried my best to explain to her what the story was about. After I was done explaining I ask her if she had ever read it, to which she replied "no, i've never read the Bible before….isn't that terrible!!!!" I told her that a lot of people haven't but that it was never to late to pick it up and start. She said, "I've been wanting to go get one, but i always forget.." By this time i had a few more customers and that was the end of our conversation. My heart was a little anxious after that conversation and I didn't know why.. So i went home a prayed about it. I went to Guatemala and she completely slipped my mind. I had forgotten about our conversation completely. Until, 5 days ago,
  I was sitting in the same spot as 3 weeks ago except I was on my laptop, Cathy walked up and was her perky encouraging self. She ask me how I was doing and if my summer was going well. After a few moments I started speaking… I didn't even know what was coming out of my mouth.. as weird as it sounds my body felt like it was paralyzed, what am i doing? what am i saying? is this me talking? these are the things rushing through my mind….

All I can remember is asking her is she had the chance to get a Bible sense the last time we talked. She responded with "No I haven't!! isn't that terrible?" I stopped what I was doing, and told her I had something for her. I walked to the back and grabbed my Bible, pulled all of my notes out of it and handed it to her and told her I wanted her to have it. She looked stunned.. I said "Cathy I want you to have my Bible if you promise to read it." she said "oh I can't take yours!!" after a few moments of telling her I WANTED her to have it, it was a gift to her she finally took it. Right then and there she started crying.-which made me cry as well- Through her tears she said, "This is the sweetest, and most meaningful gift i have ever received. I don't think i can thank you enough." Those words will stick with me forever. I will never forget that hug she gave me while crying into my shoulder thanking me. 

I don't tell you this story to say "oh look what I did! i'm such a good Christian."  No, I tell this story to say that when you step outside of your comfort zone and let God work in you, you'll be surprised what he may do. 

I never expected I would have given my Christmas present away, but if that means I have one more sister in Christ, than it was totally worth it.

All I can say is Expect The Unexpected when you let God use you his way.

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