Friday, July 20, 2012

Guatemala Day 7

Today started with a 5am wake up call. what is it with these early morning flights? geez! We got to the airport and were getting ready to board and every part of me wanted to turn around and run out of the airport. I didn't want to go home. I was able to sleep on the first flight to Dallas. Praise the Lord. Once we landed I got some Starbucks and chinese food and life was looking a little bit better. That was one good thing about being back in the states. Starbucks. Soon after we got our food it was time to board our connecting flight to Nashville. It was a short flight which was nice, But yet my heart was and still is sad. Every time I think about Guatemala or my amazing translators I get really emotional. I've already cried like 3 to 4 times. We got home in Nashville around 4:30 to 85 degrees and lots and lots of humidity. I wish I could go back to Guatemala and take the weather home with me. I hung out at home for a little bit with my sisters and then I came over to my best friend Alli's house. She and I got to catch up on life and just hang out. It was so good to see her and hear how her life is. Once I got home I got ready for bed and called it a night. 

I never expected it to be so hard to come home. I don't like being here. I want to be back in my favorite city with people I love. It never was this hard in previous years.. trying to figure out what God's trying to teach me, or show me. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

    All I can say is Expect The Unexpected.
Here are some pictures from today and the night before-

Cesar and I

Pablo and I

Julia and I

Happy to have Starbucks

Alli and I- I'm so thrilled to be home, as you can tell.

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