Saturday, July 14, 2012

Guatemala Day 1

      Today is July 14th, The day I was suppose to leave for a missions trip to Guatemala. I got about 6 hours of sleep last night so when we arrived at the airport this morning I wasn't feeling to perky. After getting in trouble at security for my friends water bottle she had put in my bag I thought the day couldn't get any better. I finally got my Starbucks and life was looking up from there. We finally boarded the plane, I got a seat next to my best friend, Sarah Easley and we were as giddy as could be. I'm pretty sure everyone sitting around us wanted to punch us in the face and tell us to shut up because by that time my venti iced coffee and her grande frappuccino were starting to take effect. About 20 minutes after take off we experience some turbulence but didn't think much of it. Suddenly the flight attendants frantically start moving about the cabin, opening and shutting compartments, moving swiftly up and down the aisle but trying not to create a panic. The turbulence kept getting worse and worse and  Sarah was becoming more and more afraid. She grasped my hand and put her head on my shoulder while trying to catch her breath. She kept saying, "oh my gosh were gonna die, were gonna die!!" I notice that something isn't right and so do the passengers around me. A few minutes later a flight attendant comes on the intercom and explains how they are having technical difficulties and that the pilot will be on in a moment to explain what is going on. Sarah is still freaking out and passengers start mumbling under their breath while watching the flight attendants move around like bees in their hive. Finally the pilot came on the intercom and and explained how he had smelled something burning and wants to land back in nashville to have the plane checked out. As we get closer to the airport the turbulence gets even worse than before, the plane would drop a couple of feet every few minutes or so, and you could tell we were flying faster than normal speed. Our landing was rough but we finally made it to our gate. Everyone was ask to get their carry-on's and leave the plane; once we were off the plane we talked to some passengers around us about what was going on. One lady said her son was tracking our flight from his phone, as he looked at his phone he realized the plane was turning around. He looked to the sky to see if he could see the plane and he did, not only did he see our plane turning around be he saw smoke pouring from not one, but BOTH engines. After trying to see if we will be able to make our flight from Texas to Guatemala we realize we will miss our flight in Texas and would have to spend the night in the Dallas airport. The next flight to Guatemala City is tomorrow the 15th around 11:15am from Miami, our flight to Miami leaves at 5:30am tomorrow morning. 
     So here I am, at home. Waiting to go to the country I love, waiting to hold sweet little Julisa in my arms, waiting to see how God is going to use me. Its been a crazy day and  today did not go as planned, but I'm trusting the Lord has a plan. 

What else can I say then, Expect The Unexpected.

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