Friday, July 20, 2012

Guatemala Day 6

    Today is our last day in Guatemala. We got to sleep in till 8am and then we had breakfast and hit the road to Antigua. On the 2 hour bus ride there I sat with one of our translators, Cesar. I have known him for three years ( as well as Pablo, another translator) and have had the privilege of having him as my translator every year. We had a fun time goofing off, sharing music, having mini dance parties, and just being together. Around 1-ish we went to an all girls home called, "My Little Treasure" to have lunch with them. The house only took in teenage girls, they only had 14 girls living there currently but are wanting to expand. These girls were so sweet and even though we stayed an hour for lunch it was hard to say goodbye because they would attach themselves to you as soon as we walked in. I hope I will be able to go back there someday. Once we left "My Little Treasure" we headed to Antigua to go zip lining and shopping. Not everyone on the team when zip lining but those who did had a blast. The zip line is over an old coffee plantation, the location was breath taking. I went 2 years ago but since then they built another course and thats the one our team went on. My dad and I went together and had a great time. He's not one for heights or anything close to this but he came along and enjoyed it himself. I don't think he's ever going to do it again but at least he can mark it off his bucket list. Once we were done we had about an hour to meet up with everyone else and do a little bit of shopping. After we rushed through the market to get everything we needed to grab for friends and family members we loaded back on the bus and drove an hour to Guatemala City. 
We got to our hotel in the city and once everyone got to their rooms we went down to have dinner with everyone for one last time. Once dinner was over they gave everyone the chance to share something that was unexpected to them or something they learned this week. After hearing the amazing things God did in peoples hearts this week it was time to say goodbye to the translators and head to bed. Everyone cleared out pretty fast because they wanted to get a good nights rest before heading home the next morning. I didn't want to; Cesar, Pablo, Julia, Sarah and I hung out in the lobby till about 11:30pm trying to put off goodbye as long as possible. We talked about what it would look like for Sarah and I to come in September and see them, or next summer living with them for a couple of months. It was finally time to say goodbye, and I couldn't. My heart was breaking and I didn't know why. I still don't know why. I know I will see them again, but saying "see you later" was to hard for me. It was probably the hardest part of this trip. They all mean so much to me and I love them so much. I finally headed up to bed because tomorrow, I have to be up at 5am.

I never expected to have so much fun with Cesar on the bus or that Goodbye would be so hard. 
All I can say is Expect The Unexpected.
here are some pictures from today-

Goofing off on the bus ride

Lunch at " My Little Treasure"

Cesar, Pablo and I

The view for zip lining-unbelievable 

The zip lining group!

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